Allwinner SoC-Only 3-Mic Far-Field Dev Kit for Amazon AVS will deliver fully integrated, high-performance far-field reference designs that make it easier to build and launch products with Alexa. Most importantly, it eliminates the traditional way of using DSP, which is much more complex and expensive. In the Allwinner dev kit, all of the front-end algorithms run on Allwinner SoC R18 only.
Integrates all AVS features on one single SoC, which is more cost effective than regular solutions with DSP
The kit will first support Linux, with support for Android coming later
Allwinner provides a platform solution with SoC, Wi-Fi, analog-to-digital converters (ADC), PMIC, and algorithms (via partner GMEMS)
Allwinner R18 SoC comes with high performance and low power consumption, enabling application headroom for non-AVS applications, and battery-operated designs
6 microphones are included on the board, while only three are used and qualified, providing flexibility to tune for 6/4/3/2 mic solutions and freely match with different product designs
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